Tuesday, June 22, 2010

pickin strawberries

Amelia and her class went on a field trip to a strawberry farm. We got to ride a tractor and tour the farm, and she got to jump and goplay around on the big inflatable slides. then we got to pick strawberries. She seemed to enjoy herself. it sure was hot that day. That is a picture of her teacher Mrs. Cottle talking to her in the jump thing. She was a wonderful teacher! I am so glad amelia got her this year!

It's great to be Eight!

Estella turned 8 on April 23rd. She got an american girl doll. We told the girls that we would get them one when they turn 8 or if they want one before then they have to save half the $. Estella choose the Elizabeth doll. She had a good birthday. Aunt Lynelle flew into town to make her baptism dress. Lynelle also made her doll a dress to match her baptism dress. It was a wonderful day, but I forgot my camera so I need to get Lynelle to email me the pictures. Estella is growing into such a smart, sweet little girl. I am so gratful that she is my daughter.

Dallin turned 1 on march 18. We did cake and ice cream when we came home from vacation. He had a good time opening a cute little barn that Nana and poppa bought for him. He also seemed to enjoy his cake that his mommy made. It was a strawberry cake. A good time was had by all.

David's aunt Ruth gave us a week vacation at her timeshare in March. We had so much fun. It was a bit chilly, but that didnt stop us from having a great time. The girls had a blast playing in the pool. We would go swimming about 10:30 in the morning till lunch and then get back in about 1:30 and stay till dinner. Thankfully the pool was heated. Poor David didn't really get to go swimming a lot, because he was inside doing school work. We also went over to orlando for one day and spent the day with Davids cousin Sarah. we went to disneys animal kingdom. It was a really cool park. Travis met up with us later and we all went to dinner together. Dallin also turned 1 while we were there. but we waited till we got home to celebrate.
I Love just sitting and watching the waves. It makes me feel so small and yet so impotant to look out at the huge ocean and think that this world is so big, but my Heavenly Father KNOWS me! I am amazed by all the blessing in my life. I am so thankful.

nap time

Here are a few pictures of Dallin sleeping in his favorite spot. I use to worry that he was going to get too big for Grandmom's lap, but I don't think that will ever happen. I am so grateful that she loves my boy so much. He is the luckiest little boy in the whole world.these pictures were taken several months ago. He still sleeps in her lap everyday.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Daddy Daughter Dance

David took the girls to the YMCA daddy daughter dance on February 12Th. This year Gretchen got to go along. She was so excited. They all seemed to have a good time. yes that is naked Dallin crawling in the background of the picture. Dallin and I had a great mommy, son bonding night while they were gone. Yes I finally got him dressed. I guess I am was just trying to prepare him for the fact that he will have to wait for women to get ready.


As if life isn't crazy enough with 4 kids, David and I both in school, an embroidery business to run, Callings at church to fulfill, hey why not throw a puppy into the mix. This is Molly. We got her from tractor supply. they were doing an adopt a thon and I just couldn't resist her. We know her mom is a beagle, but not sure what her daddy was. We think maybe golden retriever. All we know is she is a welcomed new member in the family and we all love her. Jeds dog (roxy) likes her too. They play till they are both worn slap out. it is so funny to hear them chasing each other on the hard wood floors, because they both slide all over the place.

now those are some darn cute kids

sweet Dallin
Gretchen and Amelia swinging together



Gretchen "Loving" Dallin
I know they are the cutest kids on the planet, what can I say, David makes some cute babies. Seriously, I feel bad for other people that think their kids are the cutest, because HELLO, clearly mine are! These pictures were taken on Thanksgiving morning, and Hanga was the photographer. thanks you again Hanga! please make sure to take note of the band aids on Gretchen, no she is not hurt, she was just going through a band aid faze.

family Christmas pictures

one big happy family

Now that is more like how it went

Who let these people out of the Zoo?
I know it is march and I am posting Christmas pictures. Deal with it and be happy that you get to see them okay! so I am a few month behind in my blogging, why should my blogging feel left out I am a few month behind in just about everything, but at least I am still plugging along. I will eventually get to it.The annual family Christmas picture was insane as usual. Why do I even try? 4 kids and a crabby husband do not make for fun picture taking moments. We did finally get an acceptable one. I know I will look back and treasure the memories of getting the pictures done as much as the pictures themselves. I love my family no matter how crazy it gets!