Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh how they grow

This week has been quite interesting. First I must take a few minutes to brag about Estella. She is student of the month, and she is SOOO excited about it. She spent several and I do mean several hours working on her poster that they hang outside the class so everyone can read about her. She filled in all kinds of interesting facts about herself, then came all the coloring of the entire paper. She finally finished the last little bit of coloring, when oh to her surprise Nathan ( her 2 year old cousin) decided to help her. While she was gone from the table Nathan made quite a few modification to the paper, mostly black crayon scribbling ones. To say the least she was devastated. So I went into school with her the next day and explained to the teacher what happened, she got a new poster and started all over. Estella Also has learned how to tie her shoes.This may seem like no big deal to you but to her and myself this is huge! Not quite as big as potty training or getting yourself dressed, but still it is big.

I also got the privilege of spending a lot of quality time with Granddaddy this week. We always t go to the gym together on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but I guess Grandaddy just can't get enough time with me on those short drives or the weekly grocery store trips, so he decided on Wednesday to trim his fingernails with the table saw and kinda missed and caught the end of his thumb. Off we went to the emergency room to spend 5 and a half hours of "quality" time together. The first few hours were pretty boring we just sat around and made small talk, but then I started asking Granddaddy about different events in his life and wow how the time flew by. I learned so many interesting things about flying, marriage, raising children, etc.
Granddaddy is so great. I am glad that I was given the opportunity to take him. He makes me feel so loved and appreciated. In the end He got 7 stitches and a big bandage that I changed this morning. It is looking pretty good. No signs of infection.

Gretchen is officially a big girl. she is not nursing any more and she has the hang of the sippy cup. She has become best buddies with Granddaddy. She is also loving the fall weather. We have been playing out side all week and she loves it so much.

Amelia has had a few fun day at school. They had Red day Wednesday and she was determined that everything had to be red, even her panties, I told her that I didn't want her to show everyone her panties, she assured me that she wouldn't even though they were red. Today was dinosaur day, she decided she didn't want to do anything for it, but she seems to really like her new school. She has also really been getting into singing lately. This is a big deal to me because she has always been so quiet and don't want the attention on her. She don't sing in front of many people, but at least she is singing. She has learned some really cute songs at her new school, and she loves to carry around the primary song book and play church. Amelia has also been enjoying the weather and playing outside alot.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Talents

Okay so Davids mom has asked us to share some of our hidden talents. I wouldn't say mine are hidden,but they are a bit unique. Lets see first of all there is the burping of the alphabet that I do so well. this is a talent that has taken a lot of practice to perfect. It started when I was on a swim team in my youth. I would drink so much water during practice that I would burp the whole way home. So my sisters and I started trying to make it interesting. I definately was the best at it.
My next "Talent" is that I can quiver my chin and make people really believe that I am upset and about to cry, The only problem with this "talent" is that everyone that is close to me knows that I can do it so it doesn't work anymore.

In other news,Estella had a very rough weekend. she was swimming Saturday and somehow feel on the concrete and hurt the palm of her had pretty bad. Then Sunday night she went to get in bed and she forgot that the ceiling fan in her room is really close to her bed and she leaned over the edge to look for something on Amelia's bed and well lets just say the ceiling fan won. she cut the right side of her head and we stayed up for several hours icing it and trying to get rid of her headache. I let her stay home from school yesterday. She seemed fine though so back to school she went today. Amelia got to bring home the share bag at school. we get to fill it up with thing that start with the letter C. she is very excited that it is her turn to do the share bag. We are going to make cookies to put in it this afternoon. Gretchen is doing good. I am only nursing right before she goes to bed. she is starting to sleep through the night more!!!!! I am very excited about that. Andrea came down to visit us this weekend. It was so nice to see her. The girls sure were glad to see her.Amelia keeps asking when is Hanga going to come back. David has been gone alot helping his dad with an air conditioning job, and I have been a bit sick this past week. I am starting to feel a lot better. I hope it last!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Okay so I went to doctor last week. I was so excited to find out how far along I was. The doctor said I was 9 weeks along. I was excited that I was that far along. The official due date is March 29th. That is my oldest Sister, Lynelle, birthday. I will probably have the baby a week early. I was lucky to get the chance to see my sister Annette give birth to her 3rd child this past Friday. It was very exciting he was a 8.8lb baby boy named Evan Jackson. Annette did great, but I must say that I am glad I have c- sections. I guess since that is all I know I am just scared of the other way. I was a bit jealous that she was able to eat right after she had the baby, and I have to wait like two days to eat after I have a baby. It really made me a little nervous to think about having to go thru this again, but I am excited to have another baby. I can't wait to see if it is another girl!!! I have a while till we find out. I have been a bit sick this time.

Also this week was Gretchen 1st birthday. I will post pictures later. she seemed to have a great time. Estella & Amelia were much more excited about her birthday than she was. well I better get back to work .